Supporting Florida During the Global Pandemic

Supporting Florida During the Global Pandemic

Velossa Tech has taken the initiative to switch over a portion of our production capacity to making personal protection equipment (PPE) and ventilator splitters for first responders, law enforcement, and other members of our south Florida community. As of early April 2020, Velossa Tech has been able to produce about 300+ face masks and 250+ face shields.

We are proud of all of our healthcare workers, social workers, and essential workers who must continue to be on the front lines to keep society running, we will continue to support you all by making as much gear as possible to help keep you safe.

The masks we use are an open-source design that has been coined the 'Montana mask' by many makers around the globe. As of April 9th, 2020 there are about a dozen open-source mask designs out there, and more coming out every day. We chose the 'Montana mask' because of its fine ergonomics, simplicity, and ease of filter change when necessary.

We use MERV13 filters for the filter element which is designed to stop virus-carrying particles. We also apply soft foam to the outer rim of the mask to ensure a good seal against the face. Although this isn't a medical-grade N95 mask and we cannot make any claims to its effectiveness, it is better than having no gear at all and we hope that these masks can help stop the spread of this virus and keep people protected if they have no other options.

Here at Velossa Tech we hope that we all pull through this turbulent time and come out the other end healthy and stronger than ever, never give up, made in the USA!

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